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Please read these instructions before entering the studio.


  1. Click "Enter the Livestream Studio" below.

  2. If there is no password, you can skip this step - Enter the password that is listed on the ticket or email confirmation. (The password will not work until shortly before the performance).


Important things to know:

  • For password protected performances, please do not share the link or password on social media.

  • For public performances, we encourage you to share the link with friends and family before and during the stream!

  • For password protected performances, closing or refreshing the page will require you to re-enter the password. 

  • Sometimes, internet connection may be unstable and the performance may stop.  If this happens, try refreshing your page.  

  • Starting a live stream takes a few minutes to connect.  We appreciate your patience in the event that the performance begins a few minutes later than expected.

  • For certain performances, a recording will be available for on-demand streaming in the Livestream studio for a period of time after the live stream (typically 48 hours).  


Note: If you arrive early, stay on the livestream studio page until the broadcast begins.  If it is time to start, and you are still not able to watch, refresh the page. 


DMR Adventures

Main Office

221 Carlton Rd. Suite 4

Charlottesville, VA 22902

Phone: 434-227-4710

  • Facebook - White Circle
  • Instagram - White Circle
  • Twitter - White Circle
  • YouTube - White Circle

Website designed and developed by JUS SITES

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